I am absolutely in love with this article (click here to read it) and wholeheartedly believe in going unplugged. Before I stumbled upon this fantastic article, I had no idea there was such a trend. However, I did know this is my biggest challenge at the events I am hired to photograph.
Even at my own wedding, I have many images of my aunts, cousins, and random people blocking my photographer from very significant moments. One that comes to memory is my cousin (in a short little dress, flashing almost all of her rear) standing the in isle to take a photo. Chances are she had no idea she was blocking my photographer. But, the photographer (I paid - a lot of money for) missed the opportunity to capture my husband and I sharing our first married kiss. And, over 4 years later - I still have yet to track down the image my dear cousin took. Grrrr.. The Bridezilla/photograper-zilla in me tells me this is, without a doubt, the way to go. With that being said, it is slightly unrealistic to take away all photo opportunities for guests. This is where I, as your photographer, kindly ask guests to turn off their flash, step aside, and remind them that all professional images will be available in the couples online gallery. If you are interested in reading another fantastic article (click here) or if you are on board but need inspiration on how to properly inform and ask guests to respect your UNPLUGGED event check out these templates! (click here). |